
Wholesale Duck Gizzards - Top Suppliers in Spain, Italy & Europe | Torg

Welcome to our Duck Gizzards category page! At Torg, we understand the importance of quality ingredients for your food business. That's why we offer a wide selection of Duck Gizzards from top suppliers all over Spain, Italy, and Europe. Our b2b marketplace makes it easy for you to source these delicious delicacies at wholesale prices. Whether you're looking for private label options or simply want to add this popular ingredient to your menu, Torg has got you covered. Browse through our vast database and connect with reliable suppliers today!

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Capture a photo of a plate of mouth-watering duck gizzards, perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection. Show the delicious tenderness and rich flavors of this dish, perfect for any b2b food supplier or private label buyer looking to source high-quality duck gizzards from Spain, Italy, Europe or the Mediterranean region.

Discover over 5 verified Duck Gizzards Suppliers

Our top Duck Gizzards suppliers

Our vast selection of Duck Gizzards suppliers can help you get your desired product with ease.

Jack Blanc S.A. logo
Jack blanc s.a.
Welcome to Foie Gras Blanc, where tradition meets quality! Our company specializes in premium foie gras and various gourmet specialties sourced from the lush landscapes of Périgord, Quercy, and Limousin. We pride ourselves on delivering authentic flavors, including whole duck foie gras, pâtés, rillettes, and organic products, crafted with care to ensure the finest taste and freshness for your dining experience.
Whole cooked duck liver foie gras
Whole foies gras
See all
France 7 Avenue Victor Hugo - Terrasson-Lavilledieu
Certificates: All
Agro top produits
Agro-Top specializes in the management of duck and goose production processes, ensuring the highest quality standards. They are well-known for their expertise and dedication to providing premium products. Their range includes products such as raw and processed duck and goose foie gras, various cuts like breasts and legs, as well as ready-made dishes.
Goose fat
Duck fat
See all
Certificates: All
Farm duck
Welcome to Tasty Duck, where we offer premium fresh and frozen duck products directly from our family farm. Experience the exquisite taste and quality that comes with generations of commitment to sustainable farming practices. Our range includes fully cooked duck, duck parts, whole ducks, meal kits, and gourmet ingredients that are perfect for both retail and culinary professionals.
Duck legs
Hoisin sauces
Duck gizzards
Duck breast
See all
Korea, Republic of South Korea 621-31, Seokji-ro, Sintaein-eup - Jeongeup-si
Certificates: All
Marinhave - sociedade agro-avícola s.a.
Marinhave S.A. is a leading Agro-Poultry company in Portugal, specializing exclusively in duck production for over 30 years. With a commitment to quality, they offer a diverse range of products including fresh and frozen duck, processed duck dishes, as well as unique items catering to Asian culinary traditions. Their exceptional dedication to the entire production process ensures that consumers receive only the best duck products available.
Duck gizzards
Duck confit
Portugal Herdade do Arneiro Grande Apartado 1 - Santo Estevao
Certificates: All

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