
Meeting new buyers, made simple

Receive requests from verified, relevant buyers directly in your inbox. Easily give a quote and chat directly with buyers.
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Why suppliers trust Torg

Grow your business

Receive relevant requests from verified buyers directly in your inbox, and easily give your quotes.

Own the dialog

Chat directly with verified buyers searching for your products. Discuss specifications, cross-sell, and showcase your expertise.

Get guaranteed payments, fast

Get paid through Torg on day 1 and save time on credit checks and chasing payments.

Gain insights

Get reports on your category and an anonymous price comparison when you submit a quote.

Boost your online presence

Improve visibility with the help of our SEO and content marketing. Build your profile and gain online exposure.

Workflow management

Simplify your workflow with our suite of tools, from tender management, to chats, and digital product portfolios.


New buyer introductions made simple

  • Connect directly with verified buyers and make offers and product recommendations
  • Get guaranteed payment on day 1, while offering competitive terms of up to 90 days to buyers
  • Showcase your products digitally and improve your online presence