
Extruded Crispbreads - Top B2B Suppliers in Spain & Italy | Torg

Torg offers an extensive selection of Extruded Crispbreads from various suppliers across Europe. Our marketplace makes it easy to find and source high-quality wholesale products, perfect for private label deals. With a focus on Mediterranean ingredients, our crispbreads are the ideal addition to any business's inventory. Whether you're looking for traditional Spanish flavors or Italian classics, Torg has you covered.

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Capture the savory crunch of Extruded Crispbreads with a mouth-watering photo that showcases Torg's b2b suppliers in Spain, Italy, and other Mediterranean markets. Show off the versatility of this category by capturing it as a snack, appetizer, or main dish. Don't forget to highlight the potential for private label options and wholesale sourcing opportunities!

Discover over 5 verified Extruded Crispbreads Suppliers

Our top Extruded Crispbreads suppliers

Our vast selection of Extruded Crispbreads suppliers can help you get your desired product with ease.

cornu sa logo
Cornu sa
Cornu SA is a specialist in fine bakery products, blending tradition with innovation since 1934. They focus on creating exceptional, additive-free baked goods that tantalize the taste buds. Their product range includes puff pastries, pretzels, palmiers, and long-lasting breads.
Wholemeal breads
Gluten free
See all
Switzerland Freiburgstrasse 49 - Murten
Certificates: All
nebar kft. logo
Nebar kft.
Nébar Kft. is dedicated to providing high-quality, healthy food options for health-conscious consumers. Our commitment to natural ingredients shines through in our diverse range of products, which include delicious nut butters, flatbreads, crackers, and sweet creams. We cater to various dietary needs, offering gluten-free and wholesome snacks that elevate your eating experience.
Sweet spreads
Extruded crispbreads
Pumpkin seed butters
See all
Hungary SZEGEDI UT 121 - Baja
Certificates: All
biscuit international netherlands logo
Biscuit international netherlands
Biscuit International is a leading private label manufacturer of biscuits and bread substitutes in Europe, delivering excellent taste at great value. With a rich heritage of over 400 years, we offer a diverse portfolio of products including cookies, breakfast biscuits, and waffles, ensuring high-quality and innovative solutions for our clients.
Puffed salty snacks
Marshmallow cake
Frozen waffles
See all
France Vreekesweid 2, 1721 PR Broek op Langedijk, Netherlands - Broek Op Langedijk
Certificates: All
dr. klaus karg kg logo
Dr. klaus karg kg
Welcome to Dr. Karg's, where we specialize in producing delicious and wholesome snacks using natural ingredients. Enjoy our range of sustainably packaged products that include organic crispbreads, protein thins, and gluten-free crackers, perfect for any snacking occasion.
See all
Germany Alte Rother Str. 10, 91126 Schwabach, Germany - sc
Certificates: All

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Torg is a global B2B food products marketplace where buyers can find high-quality products in one platform.
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Flexible payment terms
We offer up to 90 days credit, and guaranteed payment on day 1 for suppliers

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