
Filling & Packaging Products - Quality Suppliers | Torg

Torg is the perfect destination for buyers seeking to find quality Filling & Packaging products from different parts of the world. Our b2b marketplace connects you with international suppliers in Europe, Mediterranean area, and beyond – allowing businesses to get great value out of their sourcing and packaging needs. With our platform, you can browse an immense selection of products in all kinds of food categories while keeping up with industry trends.

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Looking for high-quality Filling & Packaging solutions? Look no further! Torg offers a wide range of customizable b2b packaging options for your food and beverage products. From bulk sourcing to private label, we've got you covered. Our suppliers from Spain and Italy provide premium packaging materials to elevate your brand. Show off your product with our sleek and professional designs, perfect for retail or wholesale. Choose Torg for all your Filling & Packaging needs!

Discover over 15 verified Filling & Packaging Suppliers

Our top Filling & Packaging suppliers

Our vast selection of Filling & Packaging suppliers can help you get your desired product with ease.

bio-familia AG logo
Bio-familia ag
Welcome to bio-familia, a pioneering company specializing in organic muesli and granola products. With a commitment to quality and sustainability, we provide a diverse range of delicious and nutritious cereals to suit every lifestyle. Our offerings include the classic Birchermuesli, various high-protein options, and delightful children's muesli, all crafted with care to ensure the best for our customers.
Breakfast cereals
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Switzerland Brünigstrasse 141, 6072 Sachseln, Switzerland - Sachseln
Certificates: All
SPN Customize GmbH logo
Spn customize gmbh
SPN Customize GmbH specializes in innovative and customizable packaging solutions perfect for a variety of products. With over 25 years of experience and a focus on quality, we ensure that your packaging not only meets industry standards but also stands out in the market. Our offerings include premium packaging, basic packaging, tins, displays, and various food packaging options.
Food packaging
Filling & packaging
Germany Köhlerstraße 24, 31848 Bad Münder am Deister, Germany - Bad Münder am Deister
Semix Pluso logo
Semix pluso
SEMIX PLUSO, spol. s r.o. has been a leading manufacturer in the bakery and cereal industry since 1995, known for high-quality and innovative food solutions. Their commitment to using local ingredients and sustainable practices ensures that customers receive healthy products. They offer a wide range of products, including bakery and confectionery mixes, dairy alternatives, cereals, and muesli, catering to diverse food needs.
Wholemeal breads
Other cereals
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Czech Republic Rybníčky 338/338, 747 81 Otice, Czechia - Otice
Certificates: All
Aretol logo
Products: Frozen food and ice cream products Frozen fruit and vegetables Frozen fruit (unprocessed) Frozen vegetables (unprocessed) Product sector: Frozen Food Distribution channels: Products (Manufacturer's brand) for the food wholesale and retail trade Products for food service and catering Products for the food processing industry Provided products (private label) for the food and wholesale and retail trade
Frozen mixed tropical fruits
Fruit ingredients
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Serbia Bul.vojvode Stepe 40 210000 Novi Sad - NS
Certificates: All

Why Torg?

Torg is a global B2B food products marketplace where buyers can find high-quality products in one platform.
Requests in minutes
Place a request in minutes and share it with our base of suppliers
Verified suppliers
We have the largest and most enriched base of suppliers in F&B
Increase your margins
You can save up to 30% on COGS by getting quotes from the best manufacturers
Flexible payment terms
We offer up to 90 days credit, and guaranteed payment on day 1 for suppliers

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