
Bread (fresh, frozen, partly-baked)

Discover 6854 verified Bread fresh frozen partly baked Suppliers

Our vast selection of Bread fresh frozen partly baked suppliers can help you get your desired product with ease.

6,854 Suppliers found






Trade Shows

    6,854 results found in 33ms

      Industry:Bread, baked goods and spreads, Frozen food and ice cream products

      Products: Bread, baked goods and spreads Bread (fresh, frozen, partly-baked) Wheat Bread Mixed wheat bread Wholemeal wheat bread Special bread Mixed bread types Flat breads Tortillas Other bread types Frozen food and ice cream products Frozen baked goods Frozen bread and rolls Product sector: Fine Food Trend subjects: private label Distribution channels: Products (Manufacturer's brand) for the food wholesale and retail trade Products for food service and catering Provided products (private label) for …

      Country:United Kingdom

      Format:RetailBrandedBulkPrivate Label
      Trade Shows:Plma 2024Anuga 2023Sial 2024Gulfood 2024
      Trends:Clean LabelHigh ProteinNatural
    2. Athanasios d. koukoutaris s.a. / alfa pastry

      Industry:Bread, baked goods and spreads, Frozen food and ice cream products

      … using only the best and top quality ingredients. Products: Bread, baked goods and spreads Bread (fresh, frozen, partly-baked) Tortillas Long-life baked goods Biscuits and crackers Spreads Jams Peanut butter Glutenfree baked goods Glutenfree baked goods Frozen food and ice cream products Frozen baked goods Frozen cakes Frozen bread and rolls Frozen small pastries Frozen dumplings Frozen flour-based desserts Frozen savoury baked goods Other frozen baked goods Product sector: Bread & Bakery Frozen Food …


      Format:Co-packing/co-fillingRetailFoodserviceBulkPrivate Label
      Trade Shows:Sial 2022Plma 2024Anuga 2023
      Trends:DietaryFunctional FoodHalalNaturalOrganicPremiumPreservative FreeSustainableVegan
    3. Frigovicenza

      Industry:Bread, baked goods and spreads, Frozen food and ice cream products

      Products: Bread, baked goods and spreads Bread (fresh, frozen, partly-baked) Other bread types Frozen food and ice cream products Frozen ready-meals Frozen pizzas Frozen snacks/Finger food Other frozen ready-meals Frozen baked goods Other frozen baked goods Ice cream Ice cream Other ice products Product sector: Fine Food Trend subjects: Convenience & Snacking private label Distribution channels: Products (Manufacturer's brand) for the food wholesale and retail trade Products for food service and …


      Trade Shows:Anuga 2023
    4. K.B.G.A.

      Kohberg Bakery Group A/S

      Industry:Bread, baked goods and spreads

      Products: Bread, baked goods and spreads Bread (fresh, frozen, partly-baked) Wheat Bread Mixed wheat bread Wholemeal wheat bread Mixed rye bread Rye bread Wholemeal rye bread Fine baked goods Danish pastries Product sector: Bread & Bakery Trend subjects: Clean Label (organic, natural and non-GMO products) Plant-Based Proteins or Food (vegetarian, vegan) private label Distribution channels: Products for food service and catering Target and outlet markets: Germany Northern Europe Southern Europe USA Western Europe


      Format:Private Label
      Trade Shows:Anuga 2023
    5. Multi Food Industries

      Industry:Bread, baked goods and spreads, Frozen food and ice cream products

      Products: Bread, baked goods and spreads Bread (fresh, frozen, partly-baked) Wheat Bread Mixed wheat bread Wholemeal wheat bread Flat breads Other bread types Frozen food and ice cream products Frozen fruit and vegetables Frozen fruit products Frozen vegetable products Frozen baked goods Frozen bread and rolls Frozen small pastries Frozen flour-based desserts Frozen savoury baked goods Other frozen baked goods Product sector: Frozen Food Trend subjects: Convenience & Snacking Halal Plant-Based Proteins or …


      Format:BrandedPrivate Label
      Trade Shows:Anuga 2023Gulfood 2024
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