
The Increasing Share and Value of Organic Food in Europe

Discover the booming organic market in Europe and how retailers and brands can adapt and grow their business with Torg.
Organic shelf
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The Continuous Rise of Organic Food & Beverage in Europe

The Growing Demand for Organic Products

The organic food and beverage industry is experiencing a rapid growth in Europe, with the demand for organic products continuously increasing. The organic farmland area in Europe has expanded, leading to an increase in supply, and subsequently, a decrease in prices. Consumers are becoming more aware of the benefits of organic food, such as its health benefits, its positive impact on the environment and its ethical production methods. This has led to a rising trend of organic food consumption and a greater demand for organic products in the retail market. The organic food industry in Europe is now worth billions of euros, with a continuous growth rate of around 8% per year.

Opportunities for Retailers and Brands

Despite the dominance of established brands in the organic market, there is a great opportunity for both retailers and new brands to enter the market and grow their business. Developing and launching private labels, whether in-store or online, is a way for retailers and brands to strengthen their brand and increase customer loyalty. As the demand for organic and sustainable products increases, it’s crucial for retailers and brands to quickly adapt to not lose market shares and customers. Trade fairs such as Biofach provide thousands of suppliers for organic and bio products, and offer inspiration for new products. Retailers and brands can use this opportunity to find new and innovative products to sell under their private label.

Challenges of Trade Fairs and How Torg Can Help

Trade fairs can be challenging for buyers, especially when it comes to preparing for the visit and finding relevant suppliers. Buyers often have to carry and keep track of physical product catalogues, which is both heavy and wasteful. After the fair, buyers must manually input information about contacts and offers, and it can be difficult to follow up on the right products and stay connected with preferred suppliers. Torg can help buyers and suppliers overcome these challenges. Suppliers can upload their products and create a digital, easily sharable product catalog, eliminating paper waste and the need for physical catalogs. Buyers can find and save suppliers and products on Torg to keep track of preferred suppliers and products. Torg’s request function can also help buyers plan their trade fair visit by easily reaching hundreds of relevant suppliers.

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