
#1 Platform for Food & Beverage Sourcing

Access 150,000+ trusted food & beverage manufacturers and suppliers, get competitive quotes, and streamline your product sourcing and supply chain management—all in one place.

999,999 Suppliers found








            Trade Shows

                1 Search
                Quickly find relevant suppliers by browsing a vast database of products and services tailored to your needs.
                2 Chat
                Instantly connect with suppliers through an integrated chat system to ask questions and clarify details in real-time.
                3 Negotiation
                Seamlessly request and compare quotes, negotiating terms directly within the platform to secure the best deal.
                4 Work together
                Torg AI intelligently matches you with the ideal supplier based on your requirements, saving you time and effort in the sourcing process.
                Over 150,000+ verified trusted suppliers

                Why buyers trust Torg

                Three months of sourcing with agents and consultant got us only three quotes, all above our target price. With Torg, in just two weeks, we received 15 quotes from top manufacturers with the majority below our target price. Not only did we achieve great results, but due to Torg's efficient tools we decided against hiring a dedicated sourcing team and now do all our sourcing through Torg.
                Jonas Meynert
                COO, Lanch
                Thanks to Torg, we were able to launch our private label cereal brand in a record time of 6 weeks through their efficient tools and large network of quality suppliers. We also successfully submitted tenders across a wide range of categories from alcohol to bread and pasta and consistently received relevant introductions and competitive prices.
                Jozef Fabo
                Head of Private Label, Terno
                I have had great success using Torg in working with new suppliers and copackers. It's really simple to communicate with their chat feature and the Torg team is also great to work with whenever you have questions. I will continue to look for new manufacturers from Europe with Torg!
                Geoff Wilson
                President, Food Innovations
                Thousands of buyers trust Torg for sourcing

                Torg for Suppliers

                Meet new buyers

                Connect directly with verified buyers and make offers and product recommendations

                Get paid quickly

                Get guaranteed payment on day 1 while offering competitive terms of up to 90 days to buyers

                Boost your online presence

                Showcase your products digitally and improve your online presence
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